Odd Radio Circles: Strange circular objects in the depths of space

Strange circular objects in the depths of space
Photo by Yash Raut on Unsplash

Strange circular objects

Astronomers have detected four stranger circular objects in distant space, which they say have never been observed.

These circular objects have been likened to the Life Sciences website of floating islands, and they have been called temporarily “strange radio circuits,” because they appear as radiant discs when detected at radio wavelengths; Scientists cannot determine what it is, or how far away it is from us, but they are beginning to explore some new possibilities.

Forts of alien radio circuits

These strange radio circuits are not monitored by infrared, X-ray, or visible spectrum. Rather, they mentioned in a research paper published last month that they had discovered radio frequencies in a project called “the evolutionary universe map.”

“This is a nice indication of the types of objects that will appear in radio astronomy in the next two years. History has taught us that when we explore space from a new window, we discover exciting strange bodies,” said Christine Speixen, astronomer at the Royal Military College in Canada, who was not involved in the study.

circular objects: Guess and prospect

The next step is an attempt to find out the nature of these strange radio circuits, and the astronomers involved in the study are already excluded: supernovae, star formation, planetary nebulae, and gravitational lensing effects.

Because there are two visible galaxies in two of these circles, researchers believe that these circuits are shock waves connected to a kind of galactic phenomenon. But any explanation is still only a guess.

these circular objects were discovered by Australian radio telescopes at the end of 2019, they were only visible in radio waves and were not detected in infrared, X-rays, and optical bands.

Scientists called it “Odd Radio Circles”.

The shape of objects is similar to circles or bubbles, and all objects are located in high galaxy latitudes and are about one minute in diameter (i.e. about 3% of the moon’s size).

Scientists have not been able to determine the true size of bodies because the distance to them is not yet known, according to the scientific journal “Nature”, where the site “arxiv” published the study.

Scientists believe that “goblins” are giant spherical shock waves resulting from some massive events outside the Milky Way.

According to scientists, these foreign bodies are incompatible with any of the known types of science, and information and other documents are now collected to determine what they are and whether they can be strange manifestations of things previously known to science.

Odd Radio Circles (ORCs)

Odd Radio Circles (ORCs) are a newly discovered phenomenon in radio astronomy. They were first reported in a paper published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society in March 2020. ORCs are circular structures in radio images that have no visible counterpart in other wavelengths of light, such as visible light or X-rays. They are also different from other known radio structures, such as supernova remnants or radio galaxies.

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the origin of ORCs is still unknown and the subject of active research. However, several hypotheses have been proposed to explain their formation, including the possibility that they are caused by shockwaves from powerful explosions or jets of plasma from active galactic nuclei. It is also possible that they are a new class of astronomical object that has not been observed before.

ORCs were discovered using data from the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP), a radio telescope located in Western Australia. The researchers who made the discovery used a new technique to search for circular structures in the radio data, which allowed them to identify the ORCs. Since the initial discovery, several more ORCs have been found in the ASKAP data, as well as in data from other radio telescopes.

ORCs are an exciting discovery in radio astronomy, and they have the potential to provide new insights into the nature of the universe. However, more research is needed to fully understand their origin and properties.

there have been some new developments and research on Odd Radio Circles (ORCs). Here are some of the latest updates:

  1. New ORCs discovered: In October 2021, a team of astronomers led by Chenoa Tremblay at CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science in Australia reported the discovery of 4 new ORCs using the ASKAP radio telescope. This brings the total number of known ORCs to 13.
  2. Potential connection to Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs): Some researchers have proposed a link between ORCs and Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs), which are short-lived bursts of radio waves that originate from unknown sources in the universe. A recent study suggests that some FRBs may be associated with ORCs, but more data is needed to confirm this connection.
  3. New theories on their origin: A new study published in January 2022 proposed that ORCs may be caused by the interaction of powerful winds from young, massive stars with magnetic fields in interstellar gas. Another theory suggests that ORCs may be the result of radio waves passing through “intergalactic bubbles” created by supermassive black holes.
  4. Further observations planned: In order to better understand the nature of ORCs, several new observational campaigns are planned or underway. The Australian SKA Pathfinder (ASKAP) is currently conducting a large-scale survey of the sky to search for new ORCs, and other radio telescopes, such as the Very Large Array (VLA) in the US, are also being used to study them in more detail.

Overall, ORCs remain a fascinating and mysterious phenomenon in radio astronomy, and ongoing research is expected to shed more light on their nature and origin in the coming years.