99942 Apophis Asteroid: the ‘Doomsday Asteroid’

99942 Apophis Asteroid Unveiling the Mystery of the 'Doomsday Asteroid'

Lurking within the cosmic dance of celestial bodies lies 99942 Apophis Asteroid, an asteroid that once stoked the flames of an apocalyptic narrative. Back in 2004, its trajectory sparked a wave of anxiety, propelling it to the dubious title of “Doomsday Asteroid” due to a calculated 2.7% chance of colliding with Earth in 2029. But

5 Potentially Cataclysmic Near-Earth Asteroids to Watch

What is the probability of an asteroid hitting Earth

What are Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs) Near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) are small, rocky bodies that orbit the Sun and can come close to Earth’s orbit. There are over 30,000 known NEAs, and new ones are being discovered all the time. NEAs are classified into different groups based on their orbits. The two most important groups are: Aten